Roots of Resilience: Herbal Care for Houseless ...
Bloodroot Herb Shop and the Washtenaw County daytime warming center is teaming up and asking the community to come help make some herbal preparations that could be useful for our...
Roots of Resilience: Herbal Care for Houseless ...
Bloodroot Herb Shop and the Washtenaw County daytime warming center is teaming up and asking the community to come help make some herbal preparations that could be useful for our...
Community Herbal First Aid: Resilient Care for ...
Join Alex Crofoot in this two hour class on herbal first aid. We will cover the foundations of herbal first aid such as clinical considerations, safety, how to set up...
Community Herbal First Aid: Resilient Care for ...
Join Alex Crofoot in this two hour class on herbal first aid. We will cover the foundations of herbal first aid such as clinical considerations, safety, how to set up...
Plants of Love with Jim McDonald February 15th ...
plants of love... the energetics of aphrodisiacs saturday, february 15th from 1-4 “Aphrodisiac” is a highly problematic term, predominantly because of the popular but mistaken belief that they create...
Plants of Love with Jim McDonald February 15th ...
plants of love... the energetics of aphrodisiacs saturday, february 15th from 1-4 “Aphrodisiac” is a highly problematic term, predominantly because of the popular but mistaken belief that they create...