January 18th 1pm-4pm at Bloodroot Herb Shop
Stress is one of the largest contributors to illness, depleting our bodies of the energy needed to maintain health, digest our food, fight off infection, and keep us happy & smiling. All too many of us feel like we’re swimming upstream or in a constant state of “fight or flight”, even if we’re just standing in our kitchen. Fortunately, there are a myriad assortment of herbs not only known to offer a calming influence, but which act in a restorative manner upon the nervous system as well. Join herbalist jim mcdonald in a discussion of the herbs and behaviors that will support us through times of stress and strain, whether it be due to acute trauma or just trying to keep up with the unsustainable pace of life that surrounds us. We’ll look at a number of herbs that can support us through hard times, emphasizing how plants can help specific manifestations of stress, from overwhelm to outbursts to heartache.
About jim: In 1994, jim mcdonald’s life changed when he drank tea from a wild plant he harvested from the land he lived upon. Since those first sips of strange tea, his life in the woods and meadows of southeast Michigan has been centered on the plants & ecosystems of that land, and how he might share their virtues to restore wellness with those around him. jim’s approach to herbcraft is deeply rooted in the land he lives upon, and blends traditional european folk influences with 19th century eclectic and physiomedical vitalism, which he conveys with story, experience, humor, common sense and lore to students, clients, random passersby and readers of his websites www.herbcraft.org & herbcraft.podia.com. He’s taught classes throughout North America, is one of the organizers of the Great Lakes Herb Faire and is currently alternately writing “Foundational Herbcraft” and “A Great Lakes Herbal”, in addition to articles for journals and other publications. jim is a community herbalist, a manic wildcrafter and medicine maker, and has been an ardent student of the most learned teachers of herbcraft… the plants themselves.